The ancient GOPosaur has two brains. Neither works very well.
Hey, how's that Republican rebranding going? I know, let's ask Michigan RNC committeeman Dave Agema. Here he is on Tony Perkins' radio show on Wednesday
arguing that homosexuality is like alcoholism:
Michigan Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema, who caused a stir last month when he posted an article to his Facebook page that labeled the homosexual lifestyle as “filthy,” is now comparing homosexuality to alcoholism and says it leads to drug abuse. […]
“We want you to know the facts of what’s going to happen to you if you stay in this lifestyle,” Agema said. “And study after study after study talks about all the diseases you get, how it just gets you into drugs, it gets you into all these other things that you don’t want to be in. So if you really love someone, if you really are concerned about someone, if you saw your friend for example dying of alcoholism, would you just stand quietly by and watch it happen?”
We last heard from Agema after he
posted an anti-gay hate screed to his Facebook page. People were upset and wanted him to resign, but that's only because of the powerful gay lobby, he says:
“The problem is, the homosexual community is very organized. They got a lot of money behind them,” Agema said. “In fact, the average homosexual makes more than the average person does. They have better education. And they’re really good at shutting anybody down and embarrassing them so they will shut up.”
I sure hope Agema's going to the Republican National Committee's "spring meeting" this weekend, he's really a credit to his party and I'm sure they'll want to hear his advice on these things.