In a
public ceremony on the state capitol steps, Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton
signed marriage equality into law. Here's a portion of his remarks.
What a difference a year and an election make in Minnesota! Last year there were concerns that marriage equality would be banned forever. Now, my signature will make it legal in two and one-half months.
First and foremost, I want to thank the people of Minnesota, who voted last year to defeat a very destructive Constitutional Amendment, and also to elect courageous legislators, who would support this monumental social advance.
I want to thank the activists, all of you here tonight and the thousands more throughout our state, who worked so long and so hard to win this extraordinary victory. [...]
It is now my honor to sign into law this next step for the State of Minnesota to fulfill its promise to every Minnesotan.
That makes an even dozen states, and the District of Columbia. Minnesota joins Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, Washington, Iowa, New Yorka and Maryland to make all people equal in the eyes of the law. Illinois could make it 13 by the end of the month.