There isn't a lot of background needed on this. Wisconsin's Republican majority continued their self-proclaimed "laser focus" on jobs this morning by passing a bill forcing women seeking abortions to undergo an invasive vaginal ultrasound first - for "educational" purposes.
The ghouls promoting this state-sanctioned-rape bill decided they didn't have time for debate this morning, so watch what happened...
Here is a portion of what Democratic State Senator Mark Miller had to say about this morning's events:
“Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald, Senate President Ellis, and the Republican Senate majority conspired not only to limit debate, but also to violate Senate rules of procedure by suspending the rules without obtaining the super-majority consent required. The bill was referred to the Assembly in violation of Senate rules...."
Here is the reaction of State Senator Fred Risser, the longest-serving state legislator in American history:
I’ve been in the Legislature over 50 years, through different majorities and different minorities, and I have never experienced the abuse of power by the majority party that I experienced today.
The arrogance shown by the Republican Majority today is unprecedented. This is
supposed to be a democracy. The Senate is supposed to be a place where the elected
representatives of the citizens of the state debate issues. Cutting off debate, preventing female Senators from talking about women’s issues, is not how we do things in Wisconsin and I am disgusted.
The Republican Majority is afraid. They were afraid that they would lose some of their
own members who were less than enthusiastic about the measure. They were afraid that they were losing the debate publicly so they had to ram the bill though so the public wouldn’t find out what they are really up to and who they are beholden to. They’re afraid of what’s going to happen in the next election and they should be afraid.
Witnesses in the gallery reported that Senate President Mike Ellis, the man you see in the video, actually broke his gavel while pounding away and screaming at duly elected officials, ordering them to sit down and shut up.
6:22 PM CDT: Just had to add this quote from State Assembly Representative Gordon Hintz:
"Sounds like all the action was in the Senate today. Apparently, their advice to Democrats in the Senate was the same as it is to women they are forcing to undergo an ultrasound: Just close your eyes."