Texas state Rep. Jodie Laubenberg's sweeping anti-abortion bill passed its final vote in the state House Wednesday morning, but it was during debate on the bill Tuesday that Laubenberg came out with
this gem:
"What we're talking about today truly is about the health and safety of a woman who would undergo an abortion, but also, I want to point out, we are talking about an unborn child," she said.
Ahem. Let's flash back to
Laubenberg in 2007, insisting that her amendment cutting prenatal care from the Children's Health Insurance Program didn't remove any children from the program:
"But they're not born yet."
So pregnant women who want to remain pregnant and get health care safeguarding their pregnancies? Screw 'em, there's no baby born yet. Pregnant women who want to obtain a safe abortion? "We are talking about an unborn child." She is consistent in her total disregard for the wishes of pregnant women, anyway.