Most of Larry Klayman's columns for WorldNutDaily of late have been calling for Obama to be overthrown. Well, the Judicial Watch founder doubled down again in his latest column, in which he suggested (wink, wink) that if Congress doesn't remove Obama from office, then perhaps our military should follow the Egyptian military's example and throw him out.
The people of Egypt have risen up valiantly and removed one of the biggest cancers in the Middle East – the Muslim Brotherhood. They did so by organizing mass demonstrations in the heart of Egypt’s capital, Cairo. The Egyptian people had the guts to do what thus far in this country we have not seen fit to do – demand the removal of a president who furthers his own subversive agendas at the expense of the people, most recently siccing the Internal Revenue Service and National Security Agency on the masses to keep them down and silent as he proceeds to refashion the nation through intimidation and threat, in his own Muslim, socialist image.
But President Obama is not only pushing the American people to the limit; he, like Morsi before his downfall, also has been playing with fire among the military. Indeed, to avoid violent revolution, it was the Egyptian military that removed Morsi to further the will of the Egyptian people who did not want to see their nation enslaved under Muslim Shariah law.
However, the example Klayman offers to support his claim blows away what little credibility he still has. Klayman, like most in wingnutland, peddles the conspiracy theory that Obama leaked classified information about SEAL Team Six' role in taking out bin Laden. He is representing six families who were supposedly shot down by the Taliban after this disclosure. Klayman further claims that Obama has essentially made it impossible for our troops to defend themselves. At a press conference this past May, five former admirals and generals all but accused Obama of treason. There's one little problem with this story--the facts aren't true. This attempt to swiftboat Obama was completely and thoroughly debunked last year by Peter Bergen in
a must-read article for CNN.
But as we all know, Klayman was never one to let facts get in the way. He claims that if enough of the rank-and-file feel the same way, we could see tanks rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue.
If this display by our most distinguished and honored American military heroes is any indication, given the state of affairs generally in this nation, which borders on total political, economic, moral and ethical collapse, is it inconceivable that one day the military in this country could rise up in support of not only the American people but themselves, and remove Obama and his radical Muslim, socialist comrades by whatever means prove necessary to preserve the republic?
This is not the scenario we would like to see, but like the Egyptians, when there is no other choice, anything is possible. Our Congress has shown no willingness to seriously confront Obama for his illegal and treasonous acts; the constitutional process of impeachment has never succeeded at removing a lawless and destructive president; and our judges have become the “yes-men and women” of the political establishment.
Um, Larry? Show us an example where Obama essentially grants himself unlimited powers, and then we'll talk. Plus, I don't seem to recall you being so critical about George W. Bush ramming through the Patriot Act.