This American University blockbuster is the best, most detailed, in-depth investigative report exposing the Koch Brothers written to date. Thank you AU team!
The American University team, which includes professional journalists, spent 2 years tracking down how the Koch Brothers $134 million dollars has been used to influence policies and politics via a tangled web of non-profit institutes, foundations, and college/universities.
This is a must read to truly understand the underpinnings of the Libertarian movement, the Tea Party, and the GOP.
The following snippets are provided to entice you to read this and, more importantly, share this detailed Koch Brothers exposé far and wide.
With the help of the Koch disinformation machine, there is a growing disdain for our two parties. The Kochs are going to capitalize on the disdain and bank heavily on Libertarian and far Right Wing alternatives in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
In order to counter their $Millions, their cohorts, and their minions, we must be informed about their tactics. The several reports released by the American University is exactly the in-depth information we have been looking for to shed sunlight on the dark money of politics.
Here's the most recent AU article with a few snippets:
Koch millions spread influence through nonprofits, colleges
As promised, I have prepared organization and relationship charts to go along with this research here. As of 7/20/2013 this chart addition is not complete. It's a big project, so it will be ongoing as time allows. ENJOY THE CHARTS!
Scrutiny of the Koch Brothers began back in the late 1980's when they tried to wriggle out of a $54 million dollar civil lawsuit:
For example, Koch Foundations contributed $19 million between 1988 and 1993 to the libertarian Cato Institute and Citizens for a Sound Economy, and with the help of a board officer of the latter organization, helped write and insert a passage in then-Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole’s regulatory reform bill.
That bill would have essentially nullified a pending $54 million civil lawsuit against Koch Industries brought by the U.S. Justice Department, U.S. Customs and the Environmental Protection Agency for the company’s 300 oil spills in six states. The bill died. In 2000, Koch Industries agreed to pay a $30 million fine to the U.S. government and the state of Texas for “illegally discharged crude oil and petroleum products.”
In a 1992 moment of genuine candor about his true purpose for funding the Koch Brothers wide web of influence
David Koch told National Journal that he viewed himself as an “opportunist," saying,
“My overall concept is to minimize the role of government and to maximize the role of the private economy and to maximize personal freedoms. …
By supporting all of these [nonprofit] organizations, I am trying to support different approaches to achieve those objectives.
It’s almost like an investor investing in a whole variety of companies.”
Yes it is, David, your companies to be precise.
The global conglomerate has 60,000 employees and annual revenue of $115 billion and estimated pretax profit margins of 10 percent, according to Forbes.
Those damn freedom killing rules and regulations have cost you a bundle over the years. No wonder you spend a pittance of your $10,000,000,000 (ten billion) profit each year trying to destroy federal and state governments, the judicial branch, and policies designed to protect the little people from your poisoned air, water, land, and politicians.
We know what you are up to.
We know you, David, were sorely disappointed that your 1980 run for Vice President of the Libertarian party failed. We know that hell hath no fury like a $Billionaire's privileged son scorned Is this what you are all about? Settling a score? None of us can figure out why you feel a need for more $Billions and/or total control.
This article was linked by AU to prove the point that the Koch brothers political interest have always been and will be about being rid of pesky rules.
Koch Brothers Flout Law Getting Richer With Secret Iran Sales
Internal company records show that Koch Industries used its foreign subsidiary to sidestep a U.S. trade ban barring American companies from selling materials to Iran. Koch-Glitsch offices in Germany and Italy continued selling to Iran until as recently as 2007, the records show.
Koch Industries units have also rigged prices with competitors, lied to regulators and repeatedly run afoul of environmental regulations, resulting in five criminal convictions since 1999 in the U.S. and Canada.
From 1999 through 2003, Koch Industries was assessed more than $400 million in fines, penalties and judgments.
In December 1999, a civil jury found that Koch Industries had taken oil it didn’t pay for from federal land by mismeasuring the amount of crude it was extracting. Koch paid a $25 million settlement to the U.S.
Phil Dubose, a Koch employee who testified against the company said he and his colleagues were shown by their managers how to steal and cheat -- using techniques they called the Koch Method.
So, David, ECONOMIC FREEDOM & the FREE MARKET, as demonstrated by your corporations, means stealing and cheating? Check.
And so you are spending your ill-begotten gains to rid this country of all those pesky rules that have cost you so much money? Check
Do your Libertarian and Tea Party devotees understand where you are coming from?
INTRODUCTORY SNIPPETS from the American University Article
From direct political influence and robust lobbying to nonprofit policy research and advocacy, and even increasingly in academia and the broader public “marketplace of ideas,” this extensive, cross-sector Koch club or network appears to be unprecedented in size, scope and funding.
An analysis by the Investigative Reporting Workshop found that from 2007 through 2011, Koch private foundations gave $41.2 million to 89 nonprofit organizations and an annual libertarian conference.
And while Koch Industries’ lobbyists were spending $53.9 million to further the giant corporation’s federal and state policy agenda, the nonprofits it funded were simultaneously “educating” the public and lawmakers about energy, the environment and other issues in public testimony on Capitol Hill.
I truly wonder how many of the independent minded, freedom loving, even insurrection tempted
libertarians realize they are just puppets dancing and singing to the whims and wishes of their musical master puppeteers, David and Charles Koch?
The American University reporting includes very detailed reports of each of the Koch Brothers foundations, including interactive tools.
In short, everything a true journalist might need to dig a little deeper into any one of the Kochs wide web-of-influence-pedding spin offs can be found within the scope of AU's research.
Here are a few links to their meta details:
Within AU's articles you will find links to actual Excel Databases, very helpful to serious researchers. Just click on the link that says Koch Database on the right hand side of the screen here.
The methodology used for AU's reports can be found here: Koch: Methodology
Initially, Workshop researchers cast a wide net, using all data on the 990 IRS forms.
The Workshop looked at the key staff members listed on the 990s — executives and members of the board of directors — and combined that with the staff pages on each nonprofits website. That resulted in a database of more than 4,000 employees.
AU provides actual on-line, interactive copies IRS documents for most of the Koch brothers funnels-for-cash used to fund their wide web of influence peddling. There is a wealth (no pun) of information in these IRS documents :
The Investigative Reporting Workshop collected 990 tax forms, which nonprofits submit to the IRS, from as many of the 89 organizations as possible for the previous five-year period.
Speaking of wealth
The two brothers are sixth in worldwide wealth and tied for fourth among the wealthiest Americans, according to Forbes.
You will find details about the Koch sponsored climate pledge, sort of like the Grover Norquist anti-tax pledge. As a matter of fact, Grover and the Koch Brothers have known each other for a very long time. As most know, Koch Industries is forced to waste a lot of money to protect air and water. How much more glorious doing business in America would be if only the Koch's were free to pollute at will.
Koch: Climate pledge strategy continues to grow
What is less known is that more than 100 House members — all Republicans, many tea party members — signed a little-known “pledge”
The Workshop has tracked the signing of the pledge by 411 current state and federal politicians nationwide (all Republicans except four Democrats and two Independents at the state level).
David, have some class. At least the Huntsman's took their pollution to China instead of trying to subvert our democracy!
AU presents some of the history of Koch Brothers efforts to write policy via their wide web of influence in this article:
Koch: 1996 marks beginning of national efforts
Interactive Map: Koch-funded nonprofits You can drop by and meet these organizations.
Here are a few quotes quoted in the article:
Even the Republican National Committee is concerned about the influence of outside money:
The Republican National Committee wrote of the new political landscape,
“The result is an illogical system where candidates and their parties no longer have the loudest voices in campaigns or even the ability to determine the issues debated in campaigns.
Outside groups now play an expanded role affecting federal races and, in some ways, overshadow state parties in primary and general elections.”
Bob Kerry was defeated by Americans for Prosperity money. He reflected after losing the election:
“They trashed the living shit out of me. … They turned [the public’s thinking] around.” When Kerrey entered the race, he said his approval ratings were around 58 percent favorable and 32 percent unfavorable, and when it was all over and he had lost, his approval ratings had dropped precipitously and the negatives had risen.
“It was quite impressive, quite powerful. … They bought their way into political success.”
What I find most alarming is the Koch money being spent to influence the next generation.
This report helped me better understand how so many bright college kids were being converted to Libertarian thinking. The INFLUENCING THE NEXT GENERATION section of the report is jaw dropping in its scope and ramifications for our future:
the Kochs gave $30.5 million to 221 universities through their charitable foundations.
An agregious EXAMPLE of how the Kochs influence higher education: Florida State University
The Charles G. Koch Foundation offered to give the university $1.5 million to hire two assistant professors and fund fellowships and undergraduate curriculum on free-enterprise topics.
“In exchange for his ‘gift,’ the donor got to
assign specific readings,
select speakers brought to campus and
instruct them with regard to the focus of their lectures,
shape the curriculum with new courses and
specify the number of students in the courses,
name the program’s director,
and initiate a student club.”
I honestly don't even understand how a state university can sell influence legally.
There is a vast expansion of information provided by the American University.
I stand in awe of their team work and the REAL INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING they have provided.
Thank you to each and every member of their team.
As an eye opener here's the list of colleges and universities Kochs have donated to, the $ amount is included.
You will find the link to this Excel spreadsheet in this paragraph of the article:
the Kochs gave $30.5 million to 221 universities through their charitable foundations. More than half of that giving, roughly $16 million, has gone to George Mason University and its foundation.
Unique Universities Sum of Koch Contributions
Alma College $15,175
American University $17,500
Andrew College $2,500
Appalachian State University $17,000
Arkansas Tech University $21,000
Ashland University $20,000
Athens State University $7,000
Auburn University $300,000
Azusa Pacific University $45,500
Ball State University $24,600
Barton College $12,680
Baylor University $6,000
Beloit College $167,000
Berry College $79,500
Bethel College $23,105
Boise State University $15,020
Brown University $437,682
Buena Vista University $2,000
California State University - East Bay $14,000
Campbell University $36,693
Carnegie Mellon University $5,850
Carthage College $6,500
Case Western Reserve University $25,000
Chapman University $89,000
Charleston Southern University $17,200
Christendom College $10,200
Christopher Newport University $14,000
Claremont McKenna College $50,000
Clemson University $932,516
Coastal Carolina University $21,300
Colgate University $4,931
College of Charleston $118,555
College of New Jersey $27,210
College of William & Mary $12,300
Colorado College $9,000
Dartmouth College $47,000
Delaware State University $15,422
Delta State University $8,000
Duke University $27,781
Duquesne University $80,000
East Stroudsburg University $31,200
Fayetteville State University $7,000
Florida Gulf Coast University $87,146
Florida State University $1,063,459
Fort Hays State University $507,000
Friends University $144,620
George Fox University $17,392
George Mason University $16,374,492
George Washington University $105,620
Georgetown University $14,000
Georgia College & State University $18,830
Georgia State University $25,000
Georgia Tech Research Corp. $30,000
Grove City College $182,949
Hampden-Sydney College $108,500
Hanover College $10,500
Henderson State University $6,515
High Point University $2,000
Hillsdale College $110,423
Indiana University $7,600
Jacksonville State University $6,000
James Madison University $51,705
Johns Hopkins University $9,000
Kansas State University $269,254
Kansas University Endowment Association $571,717
La Sierra University $17,500
Lake Forest College $7,500
Lakeland College $7,000
Lindenwood University $5,000
Linfield College $11,500
Louisiana State University $11,340
Loyola (IL) University $7,184
Loyola (LA) University $120,000
Massachusetts Institute of Technology $319,988
McGill University $14,000
McKendree University $7,000
McNeese State University $4,500
Mercer University $42,500
Metropolitan State College of Denver $59,840
Michigan State University $49,730
Middle Tennessee State University $8,000
Midwestern State University $9,800
Milligan College $8,800
Monclair State University $5,271
Montana State University $57,500
Morehead State University $9,300
National University $31,708
New York State University $26,000
New York University $142,500
Newman University $78,000
Nicholls State University $4,200
North Carolina State University $13,000
Northeastern State University - Tahlequah $21,600
Northern Illinois Research Foundation $5,000
Northern Michigan University $1,000
Northwestern Oklahoma State University $7,250
Northwestern University $450,750
Northwood University $40,000
Northwood University - Florida Campus $6,000
Northwood University - Texas Campus $8,000
Oglethorpe University $5,000
Ohio University $33,000
Oklahoma State University $36,400
Patrick Henry College $8,000
Pennsylvania State University $45,500
Pennsylvania State University - Erie, Black School of Business $14,500
Pepperdine University $32,150
Presbyterian College $4,243
Providence College $13,650
Randolph-Macon College $9,000
Regent University $17,500
Research Foundation of the State University of New York $11,781
Rhodes College $89,300
Robert Morris University $7,000
Rockford College $32,350
Roosevelt University $16,350
Saginawy Valley State University $8,590
Salisbury University $24,000
San Diego State University Research Foundation $5,500
San Jose State University $87,900
Santa Clara University $5,000
Sarah Lawrence College $17,000
Seton Hall University $31,911
Skidmore College $8,000
Southeast Idaho Research Institute $7,500
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale $31,976
Southern Methodist University $101,800
Southern Utah University $9,200
St. Ambrose University $5,400
St. Cloud State University $20,700
St. Edwards University $7,000
St. John Fisher College $8,000
St. John's University $57,562
St. Lawrence University $50,000
St. Vincent College $7,500
State University of New York - Plattsburgh $7,500
Stephen F. Austin State University $7,000
Stillman College $7,500
Stonehill College $13,494
Suffolk University (MA) $457,160
Suffolk University (NY) $472,434
Texas A&M University $9,000
Texas Christian University $7,500
Texas State University - San Marcos $6,546
The King's College $35,500
Towson University $4,650
Trinity College $72,253
Trinity University $8,000
Troy University $480,000
University at Buffalo $7,960
University of Akron $9,500
University of Alabama - Birmingham $4,874
University of Alabama - Huntsville $14,974
University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa $22,950
University of Alaska- Fairbanks $56,800
University of Arizona $725,945
University of Arkansas -$3,826
University of Arkansas - Little Rock $21,855
University of California - Davis $5,561
University of California - Los Angeles $32,426
University of California - Riverside $15,000
University of Central Arkansas $15,375
University of Colorado $55,000
University of Dallas $42,000
University of Dayton $30,500
University of Georgia - Arch Foundation $2,600
University of Houston $20,000
University of Illinois - Springfield $10,375
University of Kansas $50,000
University of Kentucky $2,000
University of Louisville $31,055
University of Maine - Machias $6,000
University of Maine - Orono $3,200
University of Maryland - Baltimore County $7,400
University of Memphis $5,900
University of Michigan $18,607
University of Mississippi $7,000
University of Missouri- Columbia $80,000
University of Nebraska - Omaha $30,000
University of Nevada - Las Vegas $10,000
University of Nevada - Reno $8,000
University of North Alabama $7,000
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill $255,000
University of North Carolina - Greensboro $7,500
University of Notre Dame $9,650
University of Oklahoma $3,000
University of Richmond $25,675
University of Rochester $9,000
University of San Diego $23,620
University of South Alabama $15,586
University of South Florida $7,500
University of St. Thomas $30,000
University of Texas - San Antonio $11,500
University of Texas- Arlington $19,500
University of Texas- Austin $11,400
University of Texas- El Paso $21,975
University of Texas- Pan America $59,300
University of Tulsa $5,000
University of Virginia $23,000
University of Virginia's College at Wise $6,000
University of Washington $7,000
University of West Florida $20,000
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire $7,082
University of Wisconsin - Madison $12,400
Utah State University $668,500
Wake Forest University $14,310
Washington University - St. Louis $6,000
Webber International University $3,000
Wesleyan College $15,300
West Texas A&M University $8,500
West Virginia University $965,200
Western Carolina University College of Business $24,000
Western Kentucky University $17,700
Western Michigan University $28,190
Westmont College $3,000
Wheaton College $7,300
Whitman College $6,000
Wichita State University $48,000
Winston-Salem State University $8,500
Wisconsin Lutheran College $7,500
Yeshiva University $20,000
Members of the DailyKos community have been working hard over the years to expose the Koch Brothers and the like.
You will find 53 articles about the Koch Brothers Empire of Influence here, although this doesn't include all the articles we have written:
Koch Brothers Exposed
Here's another great, in-depth study of the Koch Brothers political influence from American Progress Action:
The Koch Brothers What You Need to Know About the Financiers of the Radical Right Tony Carrk April 2011
Here's a great documentary by ROBERT (not Glen) Greenwald "Koch Brothers Exposed"
And another great expose' The Billionaires' Tea Party (Full Length Documentary)
Bill Moyers exposes the Plutocracy
Moyer tried to warn us back in 1987 - His documentary "Secret Government"
The Secret Government: Bill Moyers (1987) When you have some time, listen to this program. It really helps to understand how we got to where we are. At minute 22:58 Moyers says "This isn't the first time" but if we do not understand where we are today and become motivated, this could be the last in this democracy as we have known it.
TRANSCRIPT, starting at minute 19:02, in retrospect of the secret Iran Contra program run secretly from the White House by Reagan, et al
They did all this in the DARK because it would never stand the light of day.
Secrecy is the FREEDOM the zealots dream of. No watchmen to check the door, no accountant to check books, no judge to check the law.
The secret government has no constitution, the rules it follows are the rules it makes up.
It isn't the first time we've seen this.
And Oliver North got away with his actions and is now a revered member of the Right Wing.
This speaks volumes.
To understand the underpinnings of the Koch Brothers, please read this history and expose':
Exposé - 80 Years of Planning: The Kochs + The Family + Birchers = TEA PARTY Disinformation Machine
To see some charts that show some of the Koch brothers affiliations, please view
Updated w Charts: Koch Brothers Target DailyKos With "Facts" Website
The charts in this article show some of the others working in tandem with the Kochs:
CHARTS: ALEC's Top Ten Original Corporate Donors