The ugly talk at the top (or bottom) of the right wing about the 47 percent etc. has rippled down to the wingnut base, apparently anyway. Someone has been passing out fliers ( which state:
Dear Reader of this Note:
There is an intersection of those who vote and those people who receive public assistance. There are nineteen people in this neighborhood who vote and receive cash disability payments. The names of these people are being posted where they can be seen by taxpayers and the neighborhood can decide if who is truly disabled. Benjamin Franklin said "when the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." Some of us in the neighborhood wish to save this democracy and to stand in the way of those who would destroy it.
Artemis of the wildland.
According to the Oregonian, this was found left doors on a street in NE Portland on July 27, 2013. Another similar note threatens to name 16 people and was found more recently in several neighborhoods on the east side of Portland.
It's not a crime to say things which are stupid, which is fortunate for a lot of people. But one can't incite a riot or encourage others to take immediate violent action. This note seems to be carefully crafted to go as far up to the constitutional line without stepping over it.
I wondered if this might be a false flag, possibly someone a Munchhausen type of attention-seeking behavior. But looking at it, it seems to have all the indicia of a true wingnut author:
-- anger against persons receiving disability;
-- an implication that the right to vote by such persons is open to question;
-- a further implication that the shaming by neighbors is necessary; and
-- linking of the disabled to the destruction of the republic, combined with a reference to the Founding Fathers.
All this is very typical of postings on Free Republic,, etc. The leaving of the documents at houses seems to imply a more immediate desire to convey some kind of threat.