(Very short diary -- not much more than a link to video of a particularly stupid GOP politician in action plus a bit of snarky commentary.)
Here's Rep. Dana Rohrabacher going full tinfoil-hat about global warming at a townhall meeting just this week in Orange County, CA (scroll down a bit for the link to the actual video): http://www.thenation.com/...
Props to The Nation for making available this video footage available.
Words simply cannot do justice to Rohrabacher's breathtaking stupidity (unless the words are spoken by Rohrabacher himself, that is).
Folks, science policy in the USA is at the mercy of this clown (and his fellow GOP clowns) on the House Science Committee.
Democrats need to pull out all stops to make Rohrabacher the laughing-stock of Orange County for the 2014 election -- and hopefully, they will mine this footage (as well as plenty of other video footage) of Rohrabacher making an absolute fool of himself. Sane voters need to be motivated to show up at the polls (and hopefully outnumber the delusional old wingnuts who comprise Rohrabacher's base).
And let me toss out an idea that come to me a couple of minutes ago:
How about a "tinfoil-hat drive"? Have thousands of custom-made tinfoil-hats (custom crafted by volunteers) delivered to Rohrabacher's office (with the media alerted beforehand).