JOHN OLIVER: Jessica, as someone who is more likely to be affected by this than I am, do you agree that Stop & Frisk goes too far?
JESSICA WILLIAMS: No! I agree with Commissioner Kelly. If anything, Stop & Frisk doesn't go far enough. John, people need to accept this program as a fact of urban life. And right now, I'm standing in one of New York's most crime-ridden neighborhoods.
JOHN OLIVER: OK, where exactly are you, Jess?
JESSICA WILLIAMS: I'm on Wall Street! (wild audience cheering and applause)
JOHN OLIVER: Wait, what? You're on Wall Street??
JESSICA WILLIAMS: I'm on Wall Street! The White Bronx. Business Harlem.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: And frankly, John, I don't feel safe here. And I would like to see the police do their freaking jobs and start stopping people down here.
JOHN OLIVER: That's not fair, that's not fair, Jessica.
JOHN OLIVER: You're calling for the arbitrary harassment of anyone on Wall Street.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: No, no, no no no no no. Just people you suspect of being white-collar criminals. You know, walking around in tailored suits, slicked-back hair, always need sunscreen — if you know what I'm saying.
JOHN OLIVER: I don't like the implication there.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: Yeah, look, I know this is uncomfortable. But if you don't want to be associated with white-collar crime, maybe you shouldn't dress that way!
JOHN OLIVER: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! I don't like that.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: That's it. I said it!
JOHN OLIVER: No, no, no. That's racist. Jessica, that is racist. You're profiling white men in suits. I am a white man in a suit.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: Hey, it's OK! I can say that. Some of my best friends are white men in suits.
JOHN OLIVER: That's a cop out.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: They're totally fine with it. And sure, the system is not perfect. 90% of people who are stopped won't have done anything wrong. But isn't it worth a slight inconvenience to their day if it means just stopping one investment bank from betting against the same products it's selling?
JOHN OLIVER: No, no. Jessica, can I just tell you this?
JOHN OLIVER: You're merely perpetuating a negative stereotype. That's just ignorance. That's all that is.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: Look, John, I hate to say it, because I don't live in their neighborhoods, or experience the problems specific to their lives.
JOHN OLIVER: That's right, you don't. You don't.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: But it is a hard fact that white-collar crime is disproportionately committed by people who fit a certain profile.
JOHN OLIVER: Hey, hey, hey.
JESSICA WILLIAMS: So if you're, say, white, Upper East Side, billionaire with ties to the financial community like Michael Bloomberg, you've just got to accept getting roughed up by the police every once in a while. (wild audience cheering and applause) You know, for everyone's safety.
JOHN OLIVER: That's just ignorance. Jessica Williams, everyone. We'll be right back.