Poor Ron Johnson (R-FitzWalkerStan). He's having a sad.
His current claim of victimization is being caused by an ad being run by the League of Conservation Voters which targets him and 3 Republican members of the House who are climate-change deniers.
Here's the ad:
Naturally, being a "victim", Johnson sent out an urgent fundraising appeal, part of which was posted on TPM:
"The League of Conservation Voters is one of the many attack dog groups used by President Obama, the Democrats and the extreme left to weaken, defeat and silence conservatives," Johnson said in the email that was provided to TPM. "They use TV ads – filled with smears – because they work. Their ads attacking me will start in a few days. The League of Conservation voters is not an organization with a balanced approach to a cleaner environment. They are an extreme left group on an environmental jihad."
(Bolding is mine.)
Yup, according to Johnson, reporting the facts is now "smears" and any group pointing out those facts are de facto terrorists so send him some money pronto! In fact, money was needed "urgently" according to the fundraising appeal.
Sooooo, money cures butt-hurt?
The League of Conservation Voters is trying to make climate change denial as toxic as their bumbling remarks on President Obamas birth certificate, abortion, or several other extremist Republican policies. They're taking on 4 deniers now by spending $2 million on an ad campaign.
The League of Conservation Voters’ current campaign is also targeting three GOP Congressmen: Reps. Dan Benishek of Michigan, Rodney Davis of Illinois, and Mike Coffman of Colorado. In the last cycle, the group spent another $3 million on electoral ads targeting what it called the “Flat Earth Five” — a group of Republican Members of Congress who also deny climate change.
Right now the Johnson climate change denial ad is only running in Green Bay. It's a breath of fresh air and truth in a state with border to border high power and high volume RW radio and a corporate media that ignores or buries any negative information on Republicans.
While Johnson won't be up for re-election until 2016, the League is taking a long-ball approach, inflicting political damage on a Senator who is already not popular either among his fellow Senators or Wisconsinites (he polls below 50%). The Tea Party, however, adores him, but while loud, annoying, and well-funded by the Kochs, they are not and will never be the majority of the electorate.
For your further enjoyment, please visit a web site dedicated to Ron Johnson: Our Dumb Senator.