As if Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson (R-TeaBaggerstein) didn't weep enough crocodile tears (and whine about being a victim of "environmental jihad") after their first ad, the League of Conservation Voters is now running a second ad:
He's gonna need another box of tissues.
Here's their first ad that had him crying:
Yes, he's a notorious climate change denier, happy to proclaim it long and loud in front of his Tea Party audiences, but shhhhhh, don't broadcast that to the general voting public. It gives him butthurt.
New new ad is extra juicy as it includes his over-the-top reaction to their first ad. It continues to feature the largess he receives from the fossil fuel industry.
I haven't seen any reaction yet from Johnson, but I can only assume it will again feature more claims of victimization as well as demonization of environmentalists. His reaction to the last one - claiming to be a victim of "environmental jihad" had a lot of entertainment value.
The League has said that it's starting early identifying Johnson as an enemy of the environment. He isn't up for re-election until 2016.
Keep if up! It's helpful in the land where our news comes from Pravda.
This space for rent (unless juicy news comes out).