From The New York Daily News:
ALBANY — Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is taking on Donald Trump in a new $40 million lawsuit. Schneiderman’s office accuses Trump of defrauding more than 5,000 people nationwide through his “Trump University” that offered free seminars to help them get rich by teaching real estate-investing techniques used by the billionaire developer-turned-reality TV star.
Schneiderman, who filed the lawsuit Saturday in Manhattan state Supreme Court, accused Trump of engaging in a “bait and switch."
The workshops promised instructors hand-picked by Trump who, in reality, were not, Schneiderman alleges.
“Trading on his celebrity status, Mr. Trump personally appeared in advertisements making false promises to convince people to spend tens of thousands of dollars they couldn’t afford for lessons they never got,” Schneiderman said. “No one, no matter how rich or famous they are, has a right to scam hardworking New Yorkers. Anyone who does should expect to be held accountable.”
Starting to really regret not bidding on the Schneiderman-autographed magazine in the Netroots Nation auction!
Karma's a bitch, ain't it, Donald, you racist grifter fool. As Lawrence O'Donnell has made clear, something like 40 million dollars is actually a lot of money to the not-as-rich-as-he-wants-you-to-think-he-is Trump. One of the reasons he gave for not running for president in 2012 was that his Apprentice contract with NBC was too valuable to give up. Larry properly surmised that such a deal would pay maybe a couple million dollars a year to the Donald.
And gawd - what a charlatan! Phony real estate get rich quick classes? Puh-thetic!