This just in, Governor Nathan Deal, his business partner and Daughter are on the pad for the "Healthcare" industry.
I picked this up from Raw Story. It seems that Republican Governor Nathan Deal and associates have a lucrative arrangement with a corporate funded political action pac.
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R)’s family and business partner have been receiving payments from a secret Political Action Committee called Real PAC. Half a million dollars of the money donated to the PAC has come from corporate health care interests which — like the governor and Georgia state Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens — oppose the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as “Obamacare.”
The original source for the report was local journalist/blogger
Jim Walls.
According to investigative reporter Jim Walls of Atlanta Unfiltered, the PAC hasn’t filed taxes or the required financial disclosures in two years, and the information it did file for 2011 was incorrect.
Who are the generous Corporados that are flinging their largess at the feet of the "Guvner" as well as his kith and kin?
Contributors to Real PAC include Aetna, Humana, Blue Cross, United Health care and other interests that want to keep health insurance premiums and other costs as high as possible. Bryan Long of activist group Better Georgia told Raw Story that the list of donors shows who Gov. Deal really works for.
It seems that "Conservatives" such as Deal really do believe in old fashioned Georgia values when it comes to State House politicking. Nothing so traditional in Georgia politics as a heaping helping of corruption served up with a glaze of populist humbuggery.
Read both articles for the skinny on the worm in the Peach.