Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) -- the congressman who yelled "you lie" during President Obama's 2010 State of the Union speech -- asked Wednesday if the administration's decision to attack Syria was made to distract from other "scandals" like Benghazi and the IRS.
"On April 25, the White House legislative director Miguel Rodriquez wrote that ... the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons. With the president's red line [crossed], why was there no call for military response in April?" he asked Secretary of State John Kerry at a Foreign Relations Committee hearing.
"Was it a delayed to divert attention today from the Benghazi, IRS, NSA scandals; the failure of Obamacare enforcement, the tragedy of the White House-drafted sequestration, or upcoming debt limit vote?"
Sure, yeah, seeking congressional authorization to attack Syria despite overwhelming public opposition is a plot by President Obama to cover up the Benghazi and IRS nothingburgers. Worse, it's an attempt to distract the country while he sneakily implements Obamacare behind everyone's back, and it's an effort to distract attention from the GOP's harmful sequester. Plus, it's a clear effort to get Edward Snowden off the front page, and without doubt it's an effort to distract attention from the debt limit vote, because the last thing that Obama wants is for the public to know whether or not House Republicans are going to force the country into default.
And not only is all this true, but it's only happening with the help of House Speaker John Boehner, because he supports President Obama's position, which means he's part of the plot. And if John Boehner is part of the plot, it probably means Boehner is a Democrat. With this in mind, it's worth pointing out that Joe Wilson voted for John Boehner to be speaker. Which means that we've now got a crucial question before us: When did Joe Wilson decide to join Obama's conspiracy to defraud the American public? And why is he continuing to support it?
Seriously, just when you thought you'd seen the pinnacle of GOP craziness, it reaches new heights.