Greg Dworkin puts us on track with his Monday roundup. On the
international side: Samantha Powers' debut at the UN, Syria, Germany's lessons for American conservatives, and the ongoing terrorist attack in Kenya.
Domestically: shutdown strategery, Gop governors making Medicaid expansion decisions as the ACA looms,
WaPo's Fred Hiatt counsels patience on gun policy (and to approach it as a public health issue), and Sarah Binder explains the hurdles facing Ted's Cruz-sade to defund Obamacare. We took a close look at
Binder's road map, and explained where events may deviate from it, plus where
others may have taken a
wrong turn in reading it. Jonathan Capehart demonstrates Gop lunacy in
four discrete examples.
We Won points me to
Ole Texan's "The Rise and Fall of ALEC Nation," giving us a chance to catch up on their chicanery.