You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age. Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Tuesday October 13, 1903
Mt Olive, Illinois - Mother Jones speaks at at Union Miners' Cemetery
Mother Jones gave a speech yesterday at the Union Miners' Cemetery in Mt. Olive, Illinois. She was one of the featured speakers along with Ben Hanford, of the Typographical union, at a memorial service for miners massacred at Virden on October 12, 1898. Mother spoke in support of the Union Miner's Cemetery which was established in 1899. Four of the fourteen Virden Martyrs were from the town of Mt. Olive. Those four were originally buried in the town cemetery, but the owner of that land disliked the mass ceremonies held there each year. Therefore, the bodies of our fallen brothers were moved to the Union Miners' Cemetery in 1899 when an acre of land was purchased for that purpose. More land was acquired in 1902.
Mother Jones Speaks
-ed by Philip S Foner
NY, 1983
"The Union Miners' Cemetery Mount Olive, Illinois"
- by S Joan Miley
Springfield Missouri Republican
-of Oct 13, 1903
For photo see article with link below.
Monday October 13, 1913
Trinidad, Colorado - V. P. of United Mine Workers favors Congressional Investigation
Frank Hayes, Vice President of the United Mine Workers of America, stated today that the leaders of the miners' union are very much in favor of a federal investigation of the strike in the coalfields of Colorado. He believes that the investigation would uncover many sensational truths about the working condition of the Colorado miners. Representative Edward Keating of Colorado also favors such an investigation. Some possible question considered during the investigation could be: Are the companies combining in restraint of trade? Do the coal operators control State and county officials? Is it right and proper for the coal companies to import guns, ammunition, and gunmen into the strike zone? The coal companies are unanimous in their opposition to a Congressional investigation.
Lincoln Evening Journal
(Lincoln, Nebraska)
-of Oct 13, 1913
The Carpenter, Volume 33, p.882
Sunday October 13, 2013
More on the Union Miners' Cemetery at Mount Olive, Illinois
For many years, Miners Day, October 12 (Columbus Day), was the occasion for a big gathering in Mt. Olive and a visit to the Monument. With the years, however, interest began to flag. A renewed concern for the Cemetery and the traditions connected to it has been revived in recent times. A Springfield-based organization, the Friends of Mother Jones, holds an annual Saturday night event, with a Sunday motorcade to Mt. Olive. For information write to Jack Dyer, Mother Jones Foundation, Box 20412, Springfield, IL 62708.
In Mt. Olive, itself, there is an on-going effort by the Mother Jones Jubilee Committee to raise funds for monument maintenence and a museum. They hold an annual craft and food fair, and sell collector's items, a cup for $5.00, and a tee-shirt for $13.00. Also available is a cancellation commemorative stamped envelope for $3.00. Write to the Jubilee Committee at PO Box 185. Mt. Olive, IL 62069. These folks have the dedication, but they need help.
Read full article here:
A Miner's Life-Billy Bragg
Workers' strength cannot be broken
When in Union we combine.