It has taken a brush with economic disaster for the traditional media to pushback at the GOP. The false equivalencies that Americans have endured have led to misinformed citizens and an emboldened Republican Party that continue to push the limits of sanity. They hate Obamacare so much that they are willing to bring the country down unless it is repealed.
MSNBC Thomas Roberts refused to allow Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to spin him. In the past, these politicians have been given full latitude to not answer questions as they use the interview as a platform to mislead. Roberts did not allow this.
This caught the GOP representative completely by surprised. She was stunned and left with silly statements of righteous indignation.
Thomas Roberts: Joining me now is Republican Congresswoman from Tennessee Marsha Blackburn. … Do you agree that no matter what something needs to come from the House that still has attachments for ACA?
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): … We are going to take the steps to bring together components of a bill that we will send over to the Senate and be hopeful that they are going to take it up today.
Thomas Roberts: When it comes to Obamacare, do you hate Obamacare more than you love your country?
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): I got to tell you something. I think that comments like that that you are making are just incredibly inappropriate. What we have to realize.
Thomas Roberts: You don’t think it is incredibly inappropriate to shutdown our government and to take all the hostages of Americans, that you have taken? No. No. No. It is not inappropriate because you have taken the government hostage to a shutdown and all the American people you are now walking them to a cliff, the economy. And you are going to push them over one by one based on the fact that you don’t like the ACA. That’s all it is. You don’t like the affordable care act.
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): Listen to yourself. We didn’t want a government shutdown. Just listen to the way you are sounding; my goodness.
Thomas Roberts: On August the 6th at the Economic Club of Nashville you said, “Everything we can do. Whether it is the funding, delaying, repealing, replacing, all of our energy needs to be in every one of these efforts. I applaud Ted Cruz for getting out there and bringing this to the forefront. Did you not say that?
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): Those are comments that I did make.
Do You Hate Obamacare More Than You Love Your Country?
It is a known fact that the renegades, the Right Wing Tea Party Conservatives were giddy for a shutdown. They hate Obamacare and they believed that holding the entire nation hostage was the only way they could repeal it. They lost at the polls. They lost in the Supreme Court. They lost in Congress.
They planned this government shutdown. Now they are being held accountable even as many try to distance themselves when in the public eye. Some in the traditional media are stepping up to the plate and not allowing them to get away with it. Hate Obamacare more than country Rep. Blackburn?