can be seen in this brief video clip, from when he addressed the National Council of State Legislators in 2009
Please note: he is thinking less from the standpoint of what is good for the individual students than what is good for the vendors
Ask yourself, where is the focus on the individual child?
And note the key words from the remarks by Gates:
a large uniform base of customers
our students should not be considered primarily as customers
and that is much of what is wrong with the "reform" movement so completely underwritten by Gates
People should understand that the push on Common Core is something very much funded by Gates. Take a look at the real development of Common Core as described in this exploration of how the Common Core came to be written by Mercedes Schneider, a teacher who also happens to have a Ph.D. in statistics.
Then remember this
1. for Race to the Top money states had to agree to buy into the Common Core
2. applications for Race to the Top were often funded by the Gates Foundation
oh, and while we are at it
1. Bill Gates went to a private school
2. his offspring attend private schooling
Gates neither knows nor understands education, but his money allows him to distort the process. Including pushing out Common Core, which just so happens creates a large uniform base of customers