House Republicans must be exhausted from all that not working
A little Monday morning laugh: October was an "exhausting" and "grueling"
month for House Republicans and now they're "struggling" to come up with things to do in the 19—count 'em, 19—days they have left to work this year:
The House votes Monday evening and will finish its work week Wednesday. After that, the House is out of session until Nov. 12. Internally, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and senior Republicans aren’t discussing coming back early from the scheduled recess, but instead, they are wondering if they’ll cancel some of the remaining days in session.
So even those 19 days aren't set in stone. (And for the record, most Americans will be working about 43 more days this year.) But let's cut these hardworking public servants some slack because:
After an exhausting October full of late-night and weekend votes, the slower pace is a sharp change for the House.
With "full" presumably being the nights Republicans gleefully stayed late to vote on their government shutdown and then, 16 days later, begrudging stayed late to end their government shutdown. Grueling!
But for however many days House Republicans do manage to drag themselves into the office, their agenda will be jam packed with ... the same damn thing:
The future of Obamacare — and how far to go in trying to undo the 2010 Affordable Care Act — remains at center stage for House Republicans. [...]
In the meantime, it appears that the House will — once again — vote to delay portions of Obamacare, setting up another fight with Senate Democrats and the White House.
And in other news, the sun will rise in the east tomorrow.
Just a little something to start out your five day work week. Enjoy.