I am sometimes awe-struck, or you might say confused, by the GOP's relentless agenda to stop abortion, yet for the children already born to single mothers, some still teenagers themselves, they seem to care less if those children have a decent meal to eat on a daily basis.
Why care about children who are not even born yet, in fact, not even formed yet in their mother's womb, yet if those same children were born into this world, most likely into poverty and to single mothers, Republicans would deny them proper food by cutting food stamp programs that feed them?
Most recently, $5 billion was cut from SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) that mostly feeds children and the elderly, which was pushed through Congress by Republican lawmakers. They did this while at the same time, pressing to restrict abortions in Texas and in other states. Would they have these mothers bore these children and then let those same children go hungry?
This is what I think; many members of the Republican Party pretend to care about unborn children but in reality, it's all about posturing for the religious right to help keep their legislative seats. Certainly, there are religious people who care about unborn children and even children who are already in this world and who are hungry, but then, there are also religious people whose religion is more about politics and controlling government, than it is about actually caring about children.
Why does unborn children take precedence over those already living on this earth and who go to school every day without even a decent breakfast, thanks to cuts to social programs meant to feed them, and pushed by the same party who claims to represent Christian values?
Personally, as a Christian, I am fed up with listening to the moans and groans of so-called Christian conservatives calling for an end to abortion, standing out in front of abortion clinics and federal court buildings with their signs saying to "Pray for an end to abortion". Then, those same people support the same political party that cut food stamps away from needy children who are already living in this world.
I say to them, first, take care of the children who are already here and then we'll take notice of your bleeding hearts when it comes to abortion. There are just too many children in this world dying of not only hunger, but also diseases, such as malaria, which has killed a great deal more children than abortion ever could. As far as I am concerned, I would rather see a child aborted than brought into this world, only to starve and die a painful death of hunger and disease.
I am not a big supporter of abortion but frankly, I am also not a supporter of children being denied decent food and health care. Children who are born in this world deserve a chance at a decent life. If all Republican lawmakers and Christian conservatives can do is call for an end to abortion, therefore bringing even more hungry children into this world, then they have done nothing but cause more harm than good. They have shown us where their hearts really are, and it is not about children at all, but about pretending to be something that they're not, which is true Christians. Christ had nothing to say about abortion but he had a great deal to say about hunger.
There are so many children who suffer long and horrible deaths, which could be alleviated so much more if all of the energy, time and money that is put into stopping teen mothers from bringing children into this world they are not prepared to care for, instead was put into feeding and caring for the children that are already here. If you care about children, care about the ones who need you the most, the ones who are already here and dying every day.
This is a republish from my website: Fidlerten Place