Things went downhill fast over night. Charlie started panting and shaking again and coming in to my bed then back to the puppies over and over.
Puppies were crying and as I got up to look at them, I saw Charlie dive under the bed with a crying puppy. She was trying to kill her. I know dogs will do that if they think something is wrong with them. the puppy looked fine to me.
I separated them, and looked at all the other puppies. One had a HUGE stomach and was dehydrated.
I called the vet and they had us come right in.
Charlie has Eclampsia which is low Calcium levels. It can lead to death.
They drew blood and gave her a Calcium injection.
They said the puppy had some type of hernia, but I told him that the puppy was just fine yesterday, so he then said that maybe Charlie stepped on him.
During her confusion, she was trying to kill the wrong pup.
I just got back from the vet. They put the puppy down and I just brought it home because they would have charged $30 to dispose of it.
$56 dollars for a dead puppy.
I explained my money situation that I have been unemployed for over 2 years.
I bought some puppy formula and a feeding bottle.
So now I am bottle feeding the puppies, keeping an eye on all of them and trying to give my other dog some attention.
I am exhausted.
I can get her spayed after she weans the puppies.
An incredible Kossack has offered to pay for that. Is that amazing or what?
But I can't go thru this again, and I don't want Charlie to either.
So, that is the current situation here at the Dawg House.
Thanks to all that helped out yesterday.
It really helped me out.
5:11 PM PT: Thank you all so much for your comments of support and advice,
You all have touched me in so many ways,
What truly remarkable people you all are.