Do you think House Republicans really give a damn about people whose health insurance plans have been cancelled? Think again. It's all part of the agenda that's been driving them for four years: Stopping Obamacare. Back in July, House Speaker John Boehner laid out a strategy of "targeted strikes" against the law, repealing it a bite a time.
And in a conference with his members Thursday morning, Boehner said the bill from Rep. Fred Upton to allow insurers to keep offering substandard policies is all a part of that larger plan.
“Remember the strategy for stopping Obamacare we laid out to you back in July. It had two components: Aggressive, coordinated oversight, and targeted legislative strikes aimed at shattering the legislative coalition the president has used to force his law on the nation,” Boehner said, according to a person in the room.
“That plan is being executed as we speak. But none of it will be effective if we aren’t communicating. If we aren’t telling the stories our constituents are sharing, then we’re letting them down. It means we aren’t doing our best to stop this law,” he added.
Never mind the millions of constituents in red states and districts who don't have insurance at all and don't have any prayer of getting it if Obamacare is repealed. Those aren't people who matter. The only thing that matters is killing the law.
President Obama will be making an announcement on the "keep your plans" issue today at 11:35 ET. Join us for our live coverage of the event.