... According to Phreddy Wischusen at The Michigan Citizen:
The Detroit primary recount ended on Sept. 26 leaving many questions unanswered and allegations uninvestigated. Dozens of Detroiters, including nine primary candidates, spent weeks attending Wayne County Board of Canvassers meetings, observing the recount process and challenging individual ballots.
In a meeting on Sept. 17, the board determined there was probable cause to believe that nine ballots with the name Micheal Duggan (sic) printed on them could be fraudulent.
[Tom] Barrow and other candidates petitioning for recount – Jean Vortkamp, D. Etta Wilcoxon, Monica Lewis Patrick, Derrick Muhammad, Lucinda Darrah, Francine Adams, Regina, Ross, Danetta Simpson — asked the board to investigate the matter.
Watch the Wayne County Board of Canvassers Meeting on Sept. 17, 2013 regarding the nine ballots
On Sept. 19, however, the board forwarded the matter to Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy who forwarded it on to Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette. Schuette’s office did not receive or acknowledge receiving the board’s letter until Oct. 23 — almost a month after the board had already certified the primary election.
An Oct. 24 letter from Richard L. Cunningham, division chief criminal division of the Michigan attorney general’s office addressed to WCBC chair Carol Larkin, declares the board was statutorily obligated to make a full investigation and, even if they lacked the proper resources to do so, MCL implies the board “may call upon” the county sheriff or Michigan state police to assist them. Concluding, Cunningham says he is returning the envelope with the nine ballots — still sealed — to the board for further investigation.
The letter was made public after Tom Barrow obtained it and released it via Facebook.
When asked if the board planned to continue the investigation, pursuant to the AG’s recommendation, Board Chair Carol Larkin replied: “By law, the Board of Canvassers’ right to investigate ends when the recount is certified.”
Her term in office ends Oct. 31. She will be replaced by John Knappman, a lawyer who currently works in management and budget for Wayne County.
With the board and the attorney general’s office stating they don’t have the authority to investigate, the recount petitioners are seeking justice in court.
From my Inbox
via Tom Barrow – October 31, 2013 – 7:52 a.m EDT
Dear Friends - - I am often asked by people that if there was election fraud why isn’t it being written about in the newspapers and why do some folks keep saying that I am a sore loser and that there must not have been fraud or else the authorities would look into it. I kept telling folks that it is because it is being covered up by 2 of the 3 members of the Wayne County Canvassers who controlled that Board.
Well, last Friday, the Michigan Attorney General, for the first time ever, revealed that they have never been performing their legal duties. He told them they never investigated the allegations even though they were required to do so and even though they have been being shown clearly fraudulent and criminal acts and evidence. Below is the letter I served on the Canvassers yesterday. My friends, they have themselves been covering up the fraud and in my view are themselves criminals. If you are law abiding, you should be disturbed by this. Please inform your friends as our election system is being hijacked and then covered up!
October 30, 2013
Ms. Carol Larkin, Chairwoman
Wayne County Board of Canvassers
2 Woodward Avenue, Room 502
Detroit, MI 48226
By: Facsimile, E-Mail and U.S. Priority Mail
Dear Chairwoman Larkin:
As you are aware by now, the Michigan Attorney General’s Office’s Criminal Division, in a letter dated October 23, 2013, both informed and admonished your panel for failing to perform its statutory duty to mandating that it perform a full and complete investigation of the allegations of election fraud as set forth in the petitioner’s Petition for Manual Recount.
Moreover, while the letter vindicates our complaints surrounding your stark failures in the conduct of your recount, it also affirms the reasons behind our repeated allegations that both you and Ms. Krista Hartounian obstructed justice and impeded any investigation despite clear and compelling evidence of fraud, election law violations and criminal wrongdoing.
Resultantly, this letter places you and Ms Hartounian on notice that MCL 691.1407 titled “Immunity from tort liability intentional torts” does not provide immunity from acts wherein there has been “gross negligence” on the part of the officials. Accordingly, it is the intention of the petitioners tomorrow to file suit in the Wayne County Circuit Court seeking a “Declaration of Failure” against you and the Board for failing to perform your statutory duty. Thereafter, I shall immediately commence civil action against both you and Krista Hartounian personally wherein I shall seek financial and other damages caused by your gross negligence. The end of your term will provide no protection.
Further, for failing to fulfill your legally-mandated duties, on behalf of the petitioners, we demand the return of our $10,400 paid for a recount and Investigation which you did not perform.
Tom Barrow
(IMHO, God bless Mr. Tom Barrow because he loves justice and he loves the City of Detroit.)
In the meantime, I am reminded of the public comments made by the Beckham School Building Engineer, Mr. Maurice Badgett Sr., at the Wayne County Board of Canvassers Meeting of 09/17/13, and the powerful yet simple question that he asked later...
... Don't you think that We ALL deserve to know what’s in the Clerk's Aug. Boxes before we Go back to the Polls in Nov.?
In case you didn't know, the City of
Detroit 2013 General Election happens on Tuesday,
November 5th. So far, it looks like we all get a negative answer to Mr. Badgett's question.
BTW, to see a few of the fraudulent write-in ballots from the Detroit Primary Election of August 6, 2013, please click here and scroll down.
10:09 PM PT: Federal Monitors Arrive in Detroit to Safeguard Votes During Detroit’s General Election
Please click the link to read the press statement given by Rev. Anthony during the press conference.