Vladimir Putin is just the latest bully in the thousand-year struggle for Ukrainian nationhood, by Ian Reifowitz Remembering Nelson Mandela and his fight for climate justice, by VL Baker Auld Lang Syne: a walk down memory lane, by DarkSyde Conned by Republicans as Democrats cede, by Egberto Willies Winter solstice: the day the sun stands still, by Denise Oliver Velez The case for a Democrat in every race, by Steve Singiser Republicans, food stamps, and the permanent underclass, by Dante Atkins
A South African chain store has laid on one of the most touching tributes to Nelson Mandela we've seen in the past week – and it was in the form of a flash mob. Woolworths teamed up with the Soweto Gospel Choir, who posed as shoppers and store workers at the Parkview store in Johannesburg. The choir then began an "impromptu" rendition of Asimbonanga [We have not seen him]
Woolworths teamed up with the Soweto Gospel Choir, who posed as shoppers and store workers at the Parkview store in Johannesburg.
The choir then began an "impromptu" rendition of Asimbonanga [We have not seen him]
Pope Francis: We Must Change An Economy In Which Poor Only Get "Crumbs", by TomP Pat Robertson: Letting Lesbians in Your Home Will Make Your Children Lesbians, by The Sheeping of America The Washington Post Has a New Monthly Columnist--And You Know Her!, by Dartagnan
Pat Robertson: Letting Lesbians in Your Home Will Make Your Children Lesbians, by The Sheeping of America
The Washington Post Has a New Monthly Columnist--And You Know Her!, by Dartagnan
Real estate mogul Donald Trump pushed his birther views Thursday in a tweet about the death of Loretta Fuddy, the state Health Director of Hawaii who authorized the release of President Barack Obama's birth certificate in 2011. Fuddy was the sole fatality in the crash of a small plane carrying nine people on Wednesday. The Makani Kai Air plane she was on crashed into the ocean off the Hawaiian island of Molokai. How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived — @realDonaldTrump
Fuddy was the sole fatality in the crash of a small plane carrying nine people on Wednesday. The Makani Kai Air plane she was on crashed into the ocean off the Hawaiian island of Molokai.
The videos, Politico notes, “included a 28-minute portion of a file of a young girl who was raped in the woods by her ‘father.’” Federal officials reportedly had been investigating [Jesse Ryan] Loskarn for three years.
Federal officials reportedly had been investigating [Jesse Ryan] Loskarn for three years.
Near the end of every semester, college adjuncts are caught in a reverse Hunger Games. Instead of hoping against hope that they won’t be picked, adjuncts bead sweat and pray that their names will be selected. Being picked means you get to eat in the spring or fall. Not so lucky? Better start looking for a new source of employment.
The CNN segment featured Marc Morano, who currently runs a climate skeptic website paid for by a fossil fuel-funded lobbying group, alongside the Sierra Club's Michael Brune and Earth Echo International's Philippe Cousteau. However, Morano commandeered the majority of the segment—at one point Lemon joked to Cousteau, "Philippe, you've got to be aggressive if you want to get in on these guys because they're really fired up about this." Morano, who previously made a living by feeding misleading talking points on global warming to Rush Limbaugh and Senator James Inhofe, used his CNN airtime to claim that the "most pro-child thing you can do" in poverty-stricken areas is to build coal plants—despite the fact that many countries are struggling with fatal levels of air pollution from those plants.
A retired FBI agent missing for seven years after disappearing in Iran was on an unauthorized mission for the CIA, according to an explosive new report on Thursday that contradicted the official explanation that he was on private business. A years-long investigation by the Associated Press alleged in extensive detail that Robert Levinson, who disappeared from an Iranian island resort in 2007, had been involved in an extraordinarily unusual intelligence operation initiated by three CIA analysts who did not officially have the power to launch such operations.
A years-long investigation by the Associated Press alleged in extensive detail that Robert Levinson, who disappeared from an Iranian island resort in 2007, had been involved in an extraordinarily unusual intelligence operation initiated by three CIA analysts who did not officially have the power to launch such operations.