I just got back from a really fantastic meet-up with the Houston Area Kossacks. We met at Barry's Pizza, a rather legendary pizza place in Houston, which turned out to be a great choice atmosphere-, service-, and food-wise. And we even saw two brand-new faces, one of which traveled quite a distance. All in all, we had a great time and some good conversations about Texas politics, Duck Dynasty (sorry, you can blame me, I was the one who brought it up), and a whole bunch of other topics.
I took a few pictures, and since I don't have another topic lined up for tonight, why not? Follow me below the fold for the meet-up (and, yes, food) pr0n...
And now on to the people. I'll start with the new faces. We were very glad to finally meet mjbleo, who was nice enough to buy the table a bottle of red wine!

We were also delighted to have flekk17 with us, who was in town all the way from Louisiana.

And, of course, we were happy to see our familiar faces, too. Mary, who is a friend to our group that we can't wait to eventually see blogging:

And TDDVandy:

And...a group picture of everybody else. I guess none of us wanted individual pictures taken. In the back, from left to right, there is doraphasia, cosette, and your diarist. In the front, from left to right, there is htowngenie and MarciaJ720.

Also present but not pictured was jmbar2, Mr. cosette, htowngenie's niece, and my partner in crime nomandates.
And finally, the food pr0n. Well, sorry, I was a bit lazy, so I just snapped pictures of the food around me--jmbar2's and nomandates' pizzas, plus my "Mamma Mia" sandwich (which is kind of like an Italian B.M.T.-type sub).

Now that I've possibly given you mad carb cravings, go grab some chips or something and join us in the comments. How did you spend your Saturday?
Kitchen Table Kibitzing is a community series for those who wish to share part of the evening around a virtual kitchen table with kossacks who are caring and supportive of one another. So bring your stories, jokes, photos, funny pics, music, and interesting videos, as well as links—including quotations—to diaries, news stories, and books that you think this community would appreciate.
Readers may notice that most who post diaries and comments in this series already know one another to some degree, but newcomers should not feel excluded. We welcome guests at our kitchen table, and hope to make some new friends as well.