Bill Kristol, supergenius.
Conservative omnipundit Bill Kristol dismisses the notion that Hillary Clinton should run for president, because he's Bill Kristol, so of course he does.
Then he goes off the rails a bit.
Wait, wait, wait . . . We’ve forgotten something: Hillary would be the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT! That might be enough to get her to run and conceivably to get her elected. But Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher hadn’t been first lady before taking power. Hillary will be the second Clinton president. That fact overwhelms her claim to first-ness. As a feminist, Hillary surely knows that when your husband’s been president, you’re not really breaking any glass ceilings on behalf of womankind. And lots of other women understand this as well.
Yeah, everyone knows you don't really count as a woman president if your husband has been president. That's just common sense.
Speaking of Bill, one gathers that he does very much want Hillary to run. It will be a liberating moment for Hillary—and perhaps an inspiring one for other women—when she decides that she doesn’t have to do what her husband wants.
And thus we conclude Bill Kristol's mansplaining of how a Hillary Clinton presidency would mean nothing and would only prove Hillary was out to please her man. I just cannot fathom why the Republican Party is having all these troubles with the wummenfolk.
(Also, too:)