Hey folks, thanks all who participated in the doodle poll. We seem to have critical mass to have the inaugural meet up of Seattle & Puget Sound Kossacks on Sat Feb 1, between noon and 3pm. Not everyone can make the whole time, so lets make it a casual meet up, and we can figure out what we are doing from there.
Based on conversations on the Google group (have you sent me your email address yet???) I believe something in Central or West Seattle would be best. Ideally it should be somewhere easy to get to from highways and transit. Fuel coffee in Montlake? Starbucks on Olive Way on Cap Hill? Easy street or Luna Park in West Sea? I need your help for suggestions!!! Please vote on some options in the poll, or add your own ideas in the comments. We should make a call by Mon or Tues at the latest. Ideal factors include WIFI access, comfortable seating (for those of us who will hang out the whole time), coffee, food, alcohol?
But for now, please pencil in noon to 3pm on Sat Feb 1 for our inaugural meeting.
Tue Jan 28, 2014 at 12:56 PM PT: UPDATE: Although Pyramid and Luna park are tied, I'm going to make an executive decision and say lets go with Pyramid because it is closer to mass transit and easier to get to from a variety of highways.
So yes, it's a plan folks. Noon on Saturday Feb 1st at Pyramid Brewery: http://www.pyramidbrew.com/alehouses/seattle/
Pyramid Alehouse, Brewery & Restaurant
1201 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98134
Sat Feb 01, 2014 at 8:26 AM PT: Please this diary with the full event details to learn how to find us at the event and to RSVP. See you later today!