There they go again.
They just can't stand the thought of a Democratic woman running their crown jewel, Texas.
And they have gone off the rails in spectacular fashion (the ugly details below).
I guess this crew is not smart enough to realize this just fires up the Democratic base and results in a MONEY BOMB FOR WENDY DAVIS.
We don't need to get into a twitter war with these rabid loons. We just need to re-double our efforts to get Wendy elected (and to Turn Texas Blue)!
Donate to the Wendy Davis Campaign - and get on the mailing list
Donate to Battleground Texas - and get on the mailing list.
Battleground Texas will turn Texas blue - and it will happen faster than anyone imagines.
As promised, some details of the avalanche of sexist attacks on Wendy Davis:
And these attacks have been going on non-stop for days.
Tea Party troll Todd Kincannon goes on misogynistic anti-Wendy Davis Twitter rant
Tea Party Republican spews vile, sexist Twitter attacks at Wendy Davis
Kincannon has enlarged upon early Republican attacks on Davis, insinuating that because she supports a woman’s right to choose, she must be a promiscuous, man-eating tramp. Calling her a “coke whore” and insinuating that she cheated on her then-husband, Kincannon wrote, at one point, “I don’t care if folks attack Wendy Davis unfairly. I just want her attacked.”
- I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was as much of a whore as Wendy Davis. And I’ve met some epic whores in my travels.
- I suspect Texas voters care that Wendy Davis was potentially going to Harvard coke parties instead of caring for her children.
- Make Wendy Davis worry that somebody will dig up a Harvard classmate that she did coke with. Torture her until she begs for it to stop.
- Wendy Davis has an abortion fetish and did in fact abandon her children.
- Make Wendy Davis wish she’d never been born. #InsertAbortionJokeHere
>>>>Had enough yet? Ready to give a few dollars to Wendy's campaign?<<<<<
Apparently Greta Van Susteren called out RedState's Erick Erickson for using the term "Abortion Barbie" to describe Davis.
And how did Erick respond? By attacking Greta (and Davis of course).
Here is his response in part, published at RedState (and remember, this guy touts what a great Christian he is every other day):
Wendy Davis believes it is perfectly acceptable to crack open a child’s skull, inject her cranium with saline, vacuum out her brains, then tear her limb from limb unstitching her from her mother’s womb even though a minute, an hour, a day, a week, or a month later she could survive outside the womb. Wendy Davis has staked her career on the right to chop a child to bits, no matter how viable the child is. The media prefers to ignore that to which Wendy Davis staked her career. They’d prefer to focus on her, as Vogue described her, “Barbie looks” and pink sneakers.
I have helped define Wendy Davis by a moniker that sticks, describes, and makes her the butt of jokes, while drawing out the shrill hysterics of her supporters. And there’d be more supporters of hers except for her and her supporters declaring open season on people under 40 weeks of age.
Donate to the Wendy Davis Campaign - and get on the mailing list
Donate to Battleground Texas - and get on the mailing list.
Battleground Texas will turn Texas blue - and it will happen faster than anyone imagines. Attacks like those above only expedite the process.
These attacks clearly demonstrate who is fit to lead ---- and who is not.
If these people think their attacks appeal to independents and every day normal people they really need some sort of political intervention.
I mean, how would the Texas electorate react to a full-page newspaper ad featuring the above comments? If you stopped a person in a business suit on the street of downtown Dallas or Houston and showed them these comments, what would their reaction be? What would they say about it? Would they want to see someone talking about their mom, wife or daughter that way? Are we talking politics, or have we gone way way way over the line?
And when Battleground Texas volunteers read these comments, do you think they want to work less…or more?