In my ongoing online quest to have no friends or allies, I have decided to invite Kossacks too to weigh in at an online discussion of same-sex marriage I'm enmeshed in. You are welcome to stop by.
I am Catholic and on the left. I would describe myself as supporting LGBT rights but against gay marriage. It's an impossible fence to sit comfortably. My conservative Protestant friends (both of them) are upset by what they see as my relativizing of biblical authority. My liberal friends (at least they used to be friends) are apparently so put off by things I've written that they refuse to comment. Those people (or that person actually) who seems in some measure to agree with me has declined to post remarks, even anonymously. He's a Christian academic, and the fence I'm on, for him, would be an impossible one to hold to. At least while also holding his job.
"The subject is poisonous," he writes via email. "It's become impossible even to discuss it."
I'm sorry if this post doesn't conform to diary standards. I haven't regularly posted here since the mid-2000s, and have always been something of a newbie in any case.
Also: Does this count as what you folks call "trolling"? If so, I'm sorry for that too. Diss me and go back to your normal Kossack work, which I admire and support.
If you'd like to weigh in at my blog or here, however, I sincerely look forward to hearing from you. Let me know where you think I am wrong.
Of course I especially welcome comments from LGBT Kossacks. As a Christian, my thinking on the issue of same-sex marriage is eccentric: I cannot agree that homosexuality is sinful. As a person on the left, however, my thinking is also eccentric: I cannot agree that same-sex marriage is marriage.
Weigh in here.