Ken Langone, not just any asshole, but Andrew Cuomo's asshole friend
We already saw
this early this morning:
"I hope it’s not working," Ken Langone, the billionaire co-founder of Home Depot and major GOP donor, said of populist political appeals. "Because if you go back to 1933, with different words, this is what Hitler was saying in Germany. You don’t survive as a society if you encourage and thrive on envy or jealousy."
Would it surprise you to find out that
he's tight with New York pretend-Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo?
Since January, “Republicans for Cuomo”—a group chaired by Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone—has held at least three events at which the governor pitched potential G.O.P. supporters, wooing them with talk of spending and tax cuts and economic development incentives.
That whole article is a brutal indictment of Cuomo—happy to cozy up with Republicans at $50,000-a-head fundraisers and undermining Democratic efforts to take outright control of the state Senate (currently in GOP hands thanks to renegade Democrats).
And Cuomo continues to maintain a strong relationship with the State Senate Republicans, declining to offer even a gesture of help to the Democrats hope to re-take control from the current coalition running the chamber.
All of this might make sense in a place like Alabama or Kansas. But this is New York, where Republicans are irrelevant. Or
would be irrelevant if Cuomo hadn't signed a Republican gerrymander of the Senate in order to keep them in power. Apparently, he thinks that playing footsie with Republicans and using the state Senate to block progressive legislation is the way to the White House, with Ken "liberals are just like Hitler" Langone bankrolling him all along the way.
His father's last name will keep him going in New York. But I can't wait for the day he announces a presidential bid, because we haven't had this good a villain since Joe Lieberman.