Sadly, there comes a time in most peoples lives when it is better to go home and spend more time with one's family than to remain in front of the cameras and risk making more embarrassing remarks. It seems former Senator Alan Simpson is well past that time. In Alan Simpson's Advice To Reporter: 'Grab Your Left Nut For Luck,' we learn of Alan Simpson's latest attention getting remark.
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that staffer David Nakamura had a conversation with Simpson about immigration reform in February. Nakamura told the senator that he was going to be covering the issue, prompting Simpson to reply: "Oh yeah? Well grab your left nut for luck."
The Post report comes one day after a memorable exchange surfaced between Simpson and a Des Moines Register reporter. When the paper called him for an interview, he picked up the phone and said he was "stark nekkid," which is quite different than just plain naked.
“Do you know the difference between naked and nekkid?” Simpson asked, according to the Register. “If you’re naked, you don’t have any clothes on, but if you’re nekkid you don’t have any clothes on but you’re up to something.”
Actually, I'm just having a little fun at Simpson's expense. He has always been one of those rascallion characters that goes out of his way to defy convention, and expectations. We can take this comment as evidence that, however, annoying we might find his fiscal policies, and lack of compassion for he poor, he is still the same old Senator Simpson who has taken delight in trying to get as much attention for himself as possible by shocking us with his crudeness.
Author Chris Gentilviso reminds us that back in 2012 Simson danced gangnam style to focus on his plan to balance the budget by cutting large amount from entitlement programs rather than taking it out of the bloated expansions of military spending and closing tax loopholes for the very rich as we should.
P.S. For the latest 950,000 new people who may not know, I'm one of this site's most vicious "dogs of war," or "attack dogs." At off elections times, they let me post on silly topics, have fun, and appear like a friendly, huggable, and playful puppy dog, but when the chips are down I become one of the meanest and most dangerous political hit dogs in town. I have to start warming up for the November elections for when the orders start coming in, and eric has already made mince meat of Christie today.
Please don't let the affect incongruity startle you. And, be careful because my bite is much worse than my bark. Don't get too close because we wouldn't want any one to get hurt. It's still safe to toss me biscuits if I'm wagging my tail and smiling. Woof, woof!!!