A souvenir home run ball swatted by Sen. Mark Udall,
caught deep in the center field stands
Charles Koch toes the rubber. Pitching from the stretch. Looks in for the signal. He wants the batter to chase his curveball, off the plate.
Here comes the pitch:
The prolific attack group AFP is keying off the Colorado Rockies home opener today by slamming Democratic Sen. Mark Udall over his support for Obamacare.
Americans for Prosperity Colorado is handing out foam baseballs prior to the game that say "Tell Sen. Udall Obamacare is striking out."
Oh, but he left it up in the strike zone, right over the plate!
Said Chris Harris, Udall's spokesman: "It's never good to hand out stuff in American politics that says 'Made in China.' "
Sure enough, it says that on the ball.
David Koch goes back ... back to the warning track ... it's outta here! GRAND SLAM MARK UDALL! Oh, that's gonna hurt the Prosperitoads. Just a no-doubter. Ouch!