Here's a question: What do you think a married family values Congressman would do if he were caught on camera passionately kissing a key staffer who also happened to be the wife of a big supporter?
Before yesterday, that would have been an amusing hypothetical. But now that GOP Congressman Vance McAllister of Louisiana has put himself in exactly that position, we have an answer:
McAllister says he plans to run for reelection this November “unless there is an outcry for me not to serve, and so far there has been an outpouring of support, not for my actions, but for me to continue to represent the people."
So one part of the answer is that he plans to run for re-election. And as for the other?
His staffer has been canned:
Adam Terry, McAllister’s chief of staff, said Peacock [McAllister's partner in lust] was taken off of the payroll during the past 24 hours.
This has to be the most spectacular re-election announcement in history. And given that Louisiana Sen. David Vitter managed to score a 19-point victory after getting caught in a prostitution scandal, McAllister may have picked the right state in which to make it.