Rick Wiles is one of the more prominent talk show hosts on the right-wing fringe. Among his guests in the past have been Tom Tancredo, John Fleming, Matt Barber, Harry Jackson and other big names on the far right. They've continued to troop to his show even though he claims, among other things, that expanded rights for gays prompted North Korea to threaten nuclear war, that Columbine and Sandy Hook were carried out by "mind control assassins" and that North Korea threatened nuclear war with us because we're moving toward expanded rights for gays.
Well, yesterday Wiles outdid himself even by his standards. He called for President Obama to be thrown out of office by a military coup. People for the American Way got a clip.
I warned in 2008 that Barack Obama’s mission is to instigate a second Civil War in America. His regime is deliberately ripping the country apart and if the US Military doesn’t take action soon to arrest Barack Obama and remove him and his regime from the White House, there will be no country left for the military to defend. We are on the edge of collapse as a nation. Jesus Christ is America’s only hope. Let us pray that Almighty God delivers us from this very real tyranny that seeks to persecute the saints of God.
This comes on the heels of Erik Rush calling for Obama to be
driven from office "by any means necessary" and Larry Klayman and Rick Joyner
issuing simultaneous calls for a coup. In other words, they aren't even trying anymore. It cannot be said enough--these are not patriots. These are fascists.