Kudos to former Congressional Black Caucus Chairmen Representative Emanuel Cleaver for calling Representative Paul Ryan to accountability for his "insensitive" remarks about the "inner city culture." Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times writes Paul Ryan to meet with black lawmakers after ‘inner cities’ flap, next week with the Congressional Black Caucus for consciousness raising.
“The problem though is that he was quoting Charles Murray, who has been pouring racist sewage into open ears for a couple generations now,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chair Rep. Emanuel Cleaver on MSNBC Wednesday. “He has been pushing his theories of the Bell Curve and white supremacy, and Ryan quoted him as one of the authorities.”
The Wisconsin Republican said during a March appearance on “Bill Bennett’s Morning in America” radio show that there is a “tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning to value the culture of work,” NBC News reported.
Later, Paul Ryan said he had been "inariculate" and that he had meant nothing racial.
Cleaver observes:
“The problem though is that he was quoting Charles Murray, who has been pouring racist sewage into open ears for a couple generations now,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chair Rep. Emanuel Cleaver on MSNBC Wednesday. “He has been pushing his theories of the Bell Curve and white supremacy, and Ryan quoted him as one of the authorities.”
Fmr. Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Blasts Paul Ryan for Racial ‘Ignorance, by Noah Rothman reports that Paul Ryan(R-WI) has agreed to meet next week with with former Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) with the Congressional Black Caucus when they will discuss poverty with Ryan in an attempt at racial consciousness raising.
Cleaver said that, while the meeting will be more “light than heat,” he said that Ryan’s comments on that program were even more problematic because he quoted economist and libertarian political scientist Charles Murray.
Cleaver said that Murray has been “pouring racist sewage into open ears for a couple generations now” and he has been “pushing his theories of the bell curve and white supremacy.”

Cleaver added that Ryan’s admission that he was unaware of the objections to Murray’s theories suggests “ignorance” on Ryan’s part. “If you know the least, you shouldn’t speak the loudest,” the Missouri representative added.
Cleaver went on to say that the term “inner city” is suggestive of race. “Chairman Ryan, I think, knows that,” he added. “If not, I think we’re going to have to create an atmosphere where he can learn things.”
Representative Emanual Cleaver deserves much credit for showing us how to confront Republican bullshit head one and call them to account. The G.O.P. should be taught to expect the be held to higher standards of accountability that we in the Democratic Party have been willing to demand. Emanuel Cleaver's inspiring example provides an excellent example for us all to emulate.