Sen. Mark Begich is
really not sounding like a "vulnerable" Democrat running to keep his seat in a red state, the narrative hoisted upon him by the chattering class.
Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) released a new statewide radio ad Monday in which he hits his Republican opponents for their records on abortion, contraceptive coverage, equal pay and the minimum wage.
"Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell both oppose a woman's right to choose," a female narrator says in the ad. "Instead, they think it's OK for the government and employers to intrude in our personal health care decisions."
"And Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan both oppose raising the minimum wage," the narrator continues, adding that they "oppose equal pay for women." The narrator concludes that the two candidates are "on the wrong side of Alaska families."
That sure sounds like a proud Democrat. There he is, right up top, defending abortion and contraception rights. He's also running on
running on strengthening Social Security and
Obamacare. Without apology.
Begich has gotten a big assist from the state's Republican legislature in the form of ballot initiatives. Between that and Begich's direct appeal to the people who should be voting Democratic, Alaska could look good this November.