Maybe this will help put to rest the
already debunked but still prevalent Republican lie that there are more uninsured people under Obamacare than before. The
insurance companies say otherwise.
“I don’t doubt that,” said Jay Gellert, president and CEO of the California-based Health Net, when asked whether there’s any real question that the nation’s insured population has grown.
And about that "death spiral" Republicans are pinning their hopes on, that more old, sick people will sign up and the system will be unsustainable:
[Karen Ignagni, CEO of the trade group America’s Health Insurance Plans] said that the rush of sign-ups late in the Affordable Care Act’s first enrollment period–which ended March 31–were significantly younger than the earliest enrollees.
The actual mix isn't entirely clear yet, Ignani cautioned, but no insurance company seems to be in a panic yet. Nationally, the death spiral isn't something to fear, though it could be in some states or some ratings areas for some insurers. But right now, the health insurance industry seems to feel pretty darned good about Obamacare.