David Alameel, a candidate endorsed by the Texas Democratic Party and every major Democratic leader in Texas, or
Kesha Rogers, a LaRouche follower whose platform includes "Obama must be impeached, forced to resign, or otherwise legally removed" and who campaigns with posters of President Obama with a Hitler mustache. These are our choices in the May 27th Democratic Primary Runoff Election for the U.S. Senate.
If that's all you need to know, then please go early vote today for David Alameel. Today is the last day of early voting, and I can guarantee you that she's turning out her voters. Share on social media, and/or call and email your family and friends to urge them to go vote for Alameel as well so that we can forget about her (until the next election, when she'll probably be back. ugh).
VoteTexas.gov provides information regarding voting in the Primary Runoff Election:
If a voter voted in [this year's March] primary election, the voter must vote in the same political party runoff election. If a voter did not vote in the primary election, the voter may still vote in the runoff election and for the party of their choice. Early Voting begins May 19 and ends on May 23. During early voting, you may vote at any polling location in your county.
For polling locations and hours, contact your county's election officials:
website and
phone number. If you must wait until Tuesday, May 27th (the last day) to vote, be sure to ask for the location where the Democratic Primary Runoff is being held for your precinct.
And remember to bring an approved form of photo ID with you to the polls.
Need more information before voting for David Alameel in the Democratic Primary Runoff Election?
Rogers is a LaRouche follower who runs in Democratic primaries and counts on low information voters. In both 2010 and 2012, Rogers won the Democratic primary election for TX-22, in part because many voters didn't connect her name with her anti-Obama antics. The good news is that
she won the primary election by just 109 votes in 2012 because a greater number of primary voters knew her extreme views, which include the following:
1. Her first priority is always "Impeach Obama." Because Hitler, etc.
I also put the Hitler mustache on Obama, because his healthcare legislation values money over peoples' lives, which is explicitly a crime Nazi doctors were found guilty of during their trials at Nuremberg, in addition to more well known horrors. By raising the specter of Hitler's T-4 program in Obama's IPAB, Democratic Party bloggers screamed that I was arguing that "making sure everyone has coverage" was the same thing as the Holocaust. Yet what do we see, three years later? Hospitals are going bankrupt nationwide, public medical services are being cut, people are losing their coverage en masse, preventive screenings are being denied in the name of "cost-effectiveness", and there is widespread promotion of euthanasia and abortions in a society that can't afford to pay for both rent and medicine. Make no mistake: Obamacare is a pro-death "health" program.
Posted on 6/13/2013 to http://www.kesharogers.com/...
2. She's a climate change denier. From an interview in February:
Rogers also thinks climate change is “a fraud.”
“The green environmentalist agenda should be stopped and destroyed,” she told [DePrang]. “[It is] an agenda for population reduction.”
3. She's a conspiracy theorist. See above, plus the hateful views she embraces as a full-time volunteer with the LaRouche PAC:
[...] Lyndon LaRouche [...] is, well, a fringe political cult leader of sorts. LaRouche is a left-wing Marxist-turned-right-wing conspiracy theorist, and believes in off-the-wall policies like space colonization, a quarantine for everyone with AIDS, and opposition to abortion and gay rights.
And LaRouche, himself a former perennial presidential candidate, has been accused of espousing fascist, racist and anti-Semitic views. As the late Manning Marable once said, “LaRouche appeals to fear, hatred and ignorance. He seeks to exploit and exacerbate the anxieties and frustrations of Americans by offering an array of scapegoats and enemies: Jews, Zionists, international bankers, blacks, labor unions-much the way Hitler did in Germany.”
David Alameel is a Democrat.
Dr. David Alameel has been endorsed by all of the following: The Texas Democratic Party, state Senators Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte, every major Democratic leader in Texas, every major Texas newspaper, and the
Burnt Orange Report, among many others.
He's wealthy enough to self-fund his campaign, which is good given how much money Texas Democrats are having to raise to elect Davis as Governor and Van de Putte as Lieutenant Governor. Alameel did donate to both parties through early 2008, but since then he has only donated to Democratic and/or progressive candidates and groups.
Here are his stances on some key issues (see more at his campaign site):
Alameel will advocate for:[...]
- Raising the minimum wage so families can work with dignity, put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads
- Extending unemployment insurance benefits to the long-term unemployed
- Ensuring tough enforcement of equal pay laws which helps all of our families
As a father, David Alameel believes that the best investment we can make is in a quality education for ALL children, not just the privileged few.
That is why he has been part of numerous non-profits that provide scholarships to young Texans who work hard in school.
As a Senator, David Alameel will continue to fight for education funding to make sure that our children get the world class education they deserve in order to compete in the increasingly global economy.
Alameel supports the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform that is both humane and respectful of our laws.
[Alameel] vows to NEVER cut Social Security and Medicare and will fight any attempt by Washington politicians like John Cornyn to turn these programs over to Wall Street and privatize them.
Women's Rights:
Dr. Alameel will always fight to protect Roe v. Wade, which the Supreme Court set as the law of the land decades ago, from Washington politicians who are seeking to undermine the basic rights and freedoms of millions of Texas women.
Despite all of this, it is unlikely that Alameel will be able to defeat incumbent Sen. John Cornyn in November, but it is still worthwhile to work to get him on the ballot rather than someone who would prove to be a major distraction.
So vote for David Alameel and spread the word to your friends and family. The last day to vote is Tuesday 5/27.