"We made a mistake. Somebody didn’t double-check the numbers." Sen. Donna Mercado Kim addresses a state budget shortfall that's prompting Gov. Neil Abercrombie to veto up to $46 million in proposed DOE funding to balance it. [KHON]
And who was that "somebody"? Cough, cough...it was you, Ms. Kim.
State senate president Donna Mercado Kim aka "Ms. Ruthless Beauty Queen" for her overweening vanity and propensity for yelling at testifiers who displease her, has capped her rein over the most dysfunctional state senate ever, by flubbing her most important job - passing a balanced budget.
Ms Ruthless is running for the U.S. House where she'll be right at home with her friends in the GOP.
Kim voted against marriage equality and is courting the rightwing social conservatives, where she's being lauded by the Hawai'i Christian Coalition. This is part of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and their mission is to pass laws against abortion, marriage equality and in favor of school prayer.
Kim also appointed a Monsanto lobbyist to the Water Commission nominating committee right after Monsanto was turned down on both Oahu and Maui for more water. In Hawai'i water is a public trust and the Water Commission decides who gets it. Droughts are increasing so there is much competition for water.
This Republican candidate for Congress....WAIT!...she's a DEMOCRAT???
Yes folks, she IS a Democrat in this state that every politician (save a handful) have joined the Democratic party or else faced a life in limbo unable to get any chairmanship or power.
On the mainland you folks have the "corporate wing" of the Democratic Party and the "Elizabeth Warren wing". Here in Hawai'i we have those two wings and also the "Republican wing of the Democratic party".
Now here's the bad news. The last Civil Beat poll showed Donna Mercado Kim ahead for the CD1 Congressional seat. Here's the breakdown:
Donna Mercado Kim 30%
Mark Takai 24%
Stanley Chang 9%
Ikaika Anderson 7%
Will Espero 6%
Joey Manahan 1%
Undecided 23%
Margin of error 6.1%
As often happens in Hawai'i, there are many good candidates in this race and one really, really bad candidate. Thus the corporations pile on to the bad candidate and the many good candidates split the vote.
Right now folks are deciding which candidate to get behind since the only way that Donna Kim can lose is if all the not-Donna Kim voters consolidate behind one.
It would be a real shame if a conservative like Kim were to win in a deep blue state like Hawai'i.
As the NotDonnaKim website says:
Friends don't let friends vote for Donna Kim
6:31 PM PT: Forgot to mention that Donna Kim blocked the passage of the Minimum Wage increase last year.