Today, the Supreme Court declared that some corporations can deny women affordable access to contraception, because corporate rights trump women's rights.
Help us reach 50,000 strong denouncing the Supreme Court’s decision and declaring that a woman’s boss should NOT have a say in her health care decisions: SIGN YOUR NAME HERE
In its decision in the Hobby Lobby case, the Supreme Court said that a woman’s boss CAN deny employees access to birth control coverage. It’s just another example of this Court deciding that corporate rights trump women’s rights.
While today’s decision is a setback, we won’t let it silence our voices. Instead, let’s use this moment to send an overwhelming, unmistakable message that we’re sick and tired of Supreme Court decisions putting corporate interests ahead of the rights of workers and women.
Will you sign my petition denouncing the Supreme Court’s decision and declaring that a woman’s boss should NOT have a say in her health care decisions? Then, share this petition on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you for standing with me,
Sandra Fluke