It's pretty much self-evident that a party arguing against easy access to birth control in 20-fn'-14 is going to be at a rough disadvantage heading into any election. Indeed, 99 percent of sexually active women
have used birth control. Conservatives consider that to be icky:

My religion trumps your "right" to employer subsidized consequence free sex.
— @EWErickson
You see, sex needs to have "consequences," and birth control gets in the way of punishing sluts with babies. The good news is that these views are as obsolete as the Neanderthals, and far outside the American mainstream. Indeed, a May 2014 Gallup
poll found that
90 percent of Americans found birth control to be "morally acceptable". NINETY! That's one hell of a fringe that Erickson and the Hobby Lobby crowd finds itself in.
By a 2-1 margin, Americans support the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act, including 60 percent of independents and 78 percent of Democrats. Even among Republicans, just 56 percent oppose.
And like pretty much every other social issue today, age plays a huge role. Among 18-34-year-olds, 81 percent of women support it. Among seniors, just 51 percent do. And who do Democrats have a hard time turning out in midterms? Single, predominantly young women. Just look at that consistent midterm falloff in single women voter turnout:
So we have an issue that galvanizes an ill-performing Democratic-base—single women. But that's not all. A plurality of REPUBLICAN women (46-45) also support the contraceptive mandate. That's the reason that Democrats have
cut into Republican support among white women. White women supported Republicans by a 51-36 in 2010. The latest polling has it 45-44 GOP, a massive 14-point swing. And that was before this Supreme Court decision. The War on Women has repercussions for Republicans.
The policy effects of Hobby Lobby are disastrous, but we now have an opportunity for women to take matters into their own hands, an increased impetus for electoral participation. This November, the choice is stark: there are candidates cheering this decision and agitating for increased restrictions on a woman's right to control her reproductive system, and there are candidates who trust women with the freedom to make those choices for themselves.
Hobby Lobby is a dramatic reminder of what happens when Republicans win. It's also an impetus to prevent that from happening this year, or ever again.