If House Republicans are too busy to impeach Obama, then this guy is running a marathon.
GOP Rep. Randy Weber of Texas
The president deserves to be impeached. Plain and simple.
...but he has the Most Awesome Explanation Ever for why Republicans haven't yet begun impeachment proceedings, saying...
...we have so much on our plate that it’s not practical.
Right. House Republicans are responsible for
the least productive Congress ever—and that was before they shut down the government last October—and their excuse for not impeaching the president is that they just don't have enough time? Come on. They're doing so little that free time is all they've got to show for their (lack of) effort.
The obvious truth is that if they don't impeach Obama before November it's won't be because they're too busy: It'll be because they think it's politically smarter to wait until after it's too late for people to take their votes back.