Congratulations, you're a monster.
It seems like there might be a good game to be designed around the sorting and ranking of Rep. Louie Gohmert's dumbest statements. Hey, here's twelve things Louie Gohmert said in the last week, let's see who can order them from dumbest to even more dumbest in the least amount of time—that sort of thing. No? No. Nobody needs
that much Gohmert.
Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) asserted this week that the crisis of women and children refugees seeking protection inside U.S. borders was so serious that it put “our continued existence at risk.”
During a speech on the House floor on Tuesday, the Texas congressman renewed his call for border states to invoke their rights under the 10th Amendment, and to declare war against an “mass invasion” of refugees.
“Our continued existence is at risk with what’s going on at the southern border,” Gohmert explained, adding that the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security was complicit because it had “actually assisted the criminal conspiracy in achieving its illegal goals” by not enforcing the law.
Really. Our "continued existence" is at risk from ... refugee children. Sixty thousandish refugee
children is all it took to bring our great nation to its knees. It was a good run while it lasted, but oh, here comes little Maria with a phone number in her pocket, we're all screwed now.
And it's not just that, mind you: it's a plot by the Obama administration to bring America down. You thought it was going to be secret Muslimism, or secret born-in-Kenyaism, or not bombing INSERT NATION HERE, but nobody was prepared for the real plot, the one where a bunch of children show up at our border and we're all Oh my God, we can't possibly handle this without g-d-mm effing warships. Now we'll have to give those kids blankets and graham crackers and that's money that should be going to some gigantic blowhard's twenty-third consecutive tax cut. Board up the house and cancel the phone service, grandma, America is done.
Are these people ... stupid? Well, I know Louie Gohmert is, because he isn't America's Dumbest Congressman just for show, but this is the common theme of protests in California and Arizona, this notion that if we allow these children to not die at the border or if we don't just catapult Central American kids back into Mexico and call it Mexico's problem then we are all doomed. The new viciousness directed at these kids is remarkable even after considering just how many brick-stupid racist assholes populate our country. It doesn't help to have Fox News running dramatic segments about "defending America" from a stray busload of brown-looking kids, but overall the level of paranoia directed specifically toward the kids has begun to resemble a Henry Ford screed against the Jews.
This has gone beyond mere stupidity and descended into an old-fashioned hatefest, an Orwellian campaign to convince wider America that refugee children are an enemy that must be dispatched without pity. Our "continued existence," supposedly, depends on it.