Obamacare has hit another milestone.
(Reuters) - More than seven million Americans have gained health coverage through government programs including Medicaid since enrollment in Obamacare health insurance was launched October 1, the U.S. administration said on Friday.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said 7.2 million new participants in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program by June brought overall Medicaid enrollment to 66 million people. […]
Two dozen states, many led by Republicans opposed to Obamacare, have not expanded Medicaid coverage. HHS said 5.7 million low-income people remain uninsured in those states.
In the states that have expanded, enrollment has increased 18.5 percent, compared to just 4 percent in the states that didn't, HHS said. This follows Gallup's report
showing that Arkansas and Kentucky had the largest drop in the uninsured rate in the country, thanks to the fact that they both expanded Medicaid.
For those counting, that puts the official HHS enrollment numbers at 15.2 million, including Medicaid and enrollments through the exchanges. That doesn't count people up to age 26 getting coverage through their parents. No wonder we're hearing less and less talk about repeal from Republican incumbents and candidates.