audio tape release of Mitch McConnell cozying up to the Kochs is
raising some eyebrows back home in Kentucky. Particularly that part where he tells the billionaires gathered at the Koch retreat that the "the worst day of my political life" was when the campaign spending limits in McCain-Feingold passed. So the
Courier-Journal decided to
take a look at the financial relationship between McConnell and the Kochs.
My research finds $40,800 in contributions from the Koch family and PAC to McConnell's re-election campaign. But the PAC of Koch Industries has also given $25,000 this election cycle to McConnell's own PAC, Bluegrass Committee.
All the immediate family members of the Kochs have donated the maximum limits to McConnell, along with the PAC contributions, which the McConnell PAC can use for some travel and consultants and staff. As of yet, the Kochs and their Americans for Prosperity haven't directed any of their millions into television ads in Kentucky.
But the Koch/McConnell connection in the state runs deep. The state director for the Koch's AFP is one Julie Crigler, who just happens to be married to Chase Crigler, Northern Kentucky field representative for McConnell. It's all just one big happy family.
Remember when Republicans said that the Koch brothers were just too obscure for the people back home to care about, and how it was a losing political issue for Harry Reid and the Democrats? Seems like the local media in Kentucky, at least, disagrees.