Today the 9th Circuit court of appeals named its panel of judges to review several marriage equality cases at 1pm PDT on Tuesday September 8th, and civil rights hit the jackpot again just like it did in the 7th Circuit last week:
"Reinhardt wrote majority in Prop 8 case and SmithKline (latter held sexual orientation must withstand heightened scrutiny). Berzon joined Reinhardt in SmithKline. Gould wrote majority in Witt v. Air Force."
Given heightened scrutiny the outcome of these cases is a foregone conclusion, but I'll be interested to see if the court treats the arguments made by Idaho and the Nevada defendant-intervenors with the same contempt given Wisconsin and Indiana by the 7th Circuit.
Only Idaho is actually defending their ban. Hawaii already has marriage equality and this case concerns a challenge to the former ban, and Nevada is no longer defending their ban but is instead represented by Monte Stewart and his merry band of bigoted Mormons at the Marriage Law Foundation, an anti-gay hate group affiliated with NOM. Maggie Gallagher sits on the board of the Marriage Law Foundation.