Scott Brown is under attack from the Mayday Super PAC, which has endorsed Brown's primary challenger specifically over Brown's big, dark money ties. The Mayday PAC is the brainchild of Harvard professor and progressive activist Larry Lessig. Lessig's PAC
sent out a mailer calling Brown a "Washington lobbyist."
Brown immediately responded with what Lessig is calling a "nastrygram," saying "This is a flat-out lie. Scott Brown is not nor has he ever been a lobbyist. Ever." Then they demand Lessig "immediately cease and desist with the mailer," and go on tv to retract.
The problem is Brown has a very public resumé that includes his last job. At Nixon Peabody, "a law and lobby firm," where he focused on "business and governmental affairs as they relate to the financial services industry," and joined "former Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-N.Y.) […] one of the firm’s more prominent lobbyists." After detailing all this, Lessig responds:
I submit to anyone else in the world, a former Senator joining a "law and lobbying firm" to help with Wall St’s "business and governmental affairs" is to make him a lobbyist. Because to anyone else in the world, when you sell your influence to affect "business and governmental affairs," you are a lobbyist.
Case closed.