Page two of the mailer Michigan Republican's sent directing voters to call a 91 year-old hospice patient.

Eclectablog first brought us the
story of the lows to which Republicans will go to this election season: sending out a mailer telling voters to call a Democratic candidate's dying mother to complain about Obamacare. Michigan's traditional media
has picked up the story.
The mailers, which were paid for by the Michigan Republican Party, urge voters to call John Fisher, a candidate for the 61st state House District, and "Tell him hard-working Michiganders are being hurt by Obamacare and the health care policies (Democrats) support."
Fisher's campaign acknowledged it had no issue with past Republican mailers that told voters to call him at his personal number, but the candidate said Republicans took it too far by directing citizens to call Fisher at his mother's number. The number is registered under Fisher's name, but is a direct line to his mother's room at Tendercare Portage, where Isabel Kramb is currently receiving hospice care for congestive heart failure, said Fisher's campaign manager David Topping. […]
"To direct people to call a suffering woman who deserves peace and comfort is beyond the pale," Fisher said in a prepared statement. "Their lack of ethics and contempt for personal privacy is just another reason for people to question what–or better, who–the Republican Party stands for, so that they can make a wise decision at the ballot box on Nov. 4."
Fisher's Republican opponent proves less than sympathetic to the story, but does provide a weak attempt to distance himself from it:
"Obviously, as you know, it was not sent out by our campaign," [Republican Kalamazoo County Commissioner Brandt] Iden said. "I don't condone negative campaign tactics and it's not something my campaign has done or anticipates doing. I hope Mr. Fisher would do the same."
He doesn't condone the tactics? How big of him. Note that he doesn't actually say he didn't have anything to do with the mailing, just that his campaign didn't send it. That's very convenient for him, having the state party there to take the heat. But, he also doesn't condemn the mailing, nor apparently has he done anything to get his party to cease and desist. To really top it off, he drops that suggestion that Fisher—a pastor—might also consider doing something so dirty, so despicable.
What an unmitigated asshole, a perfect fit for the Michigan Republican party.
Make the Michigan Republicans pay for this one. Please donate $3 to our candidates in Michigan.