Nice, Rick:
What began Saturday afternoon in Fort Lauderdale as an early voting rally for Charlie Crist turned into a shouting match, featuring the former governor’s supporters squaring off against those backing his opponent Rick Scott.
Crist’s bus pulled into the parking lot of the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center at about noon Saturday and was greeted by a crowd of supporters, mostly black Democrats. Also on hand were Scott supporters, mostly white, carrying “shame on you” signs. Scott’s group included one person barking into a megaphone.
He had to harass them this weekend, because Rick Scott eliminated early voting the
Sunday before election day for the sole reason of preventing black Churches from organizing poll drives.
You know, Rick Scott has spent the last four years suppressing the African-American vote, fiercely defended George Zimmerman while refusing any changes to our "Stand Your Ground" law, cut completely state support for our black colleges, refused to appoint minority judges, and even told black legislators they had a sixth-grade education. You'd really think he's done enough to show his contempt.
But you don't know Rick.
5:30 PM PT: Early voting is going on from 7am to 7pm from now until election day (except for "Color-Free Sunday" the Sunday before election day). Go vote. Go NOW! Here's a cheat sheet to take with you. Just go! We can't afford 4 more years of this...
Sun Oct 26, 2014 at 4:06 PM PT: I fixed the "cheat sheet" link... sorry about that
Mon Oct 27, 2014 at 6:34 AM PT: I'm being told that Broward Co. voters can vote on Sunday, Nov. 2, until 4pm. Go Broward!