Just a few of the many happy customers.
open enrollment in Obamacare for 2015 upon us, Gallup decided to
survey what 2014 customers think about their insurance. Bottom line, they're pretty darned happy with it.
Over seven in 10 Americans who bought new health insurance policies through the government exchanges earlier this year rate the quality of their healthcare and their healthcare coverage as "excellent" or "good." These positive evaluations are generally similar to the reviews that all insured Americans give to their health insurance. […]
In addition to newly insured Americans rating their coverage and the quality of their healthcare positively, they are more satisfied than the average insured American with the cost of their health coverage. Three in four of the newly insured say they are satisfied with this aspect of their healthcare experience, compared with 61 percent among the general population of those with insurance. To some degree, this could reflect the fact that many who get insurance through the exchanges receive government subsidies to help reduce the overall cost of their health insurance.

Indeed, close to 80 percent of people who have private insurance through Obamacare have subsidies, and boy, do they seem happy about it. That's something for conservatives to keep in mind while they seem hell-bent on taking all that away, either through
repeal or through the
Supreme Court.
If they succeed, there are going to be a lot of brand-new, uninsured people. And they are not going to be pleased.